Ali Akbarli

Executive Secretary of the National Association of City Municipalities of Azerbaijan

Ali Akbarli

Executive Secretary of the  National Association of City Municipalities of Azerbaijan

Akbarli Ali was born on April 20, 1963. In 1985, he graduated from the Faculty of Electronics Engineering of the Kharkiv Radioelectronics Institute of Ukraine, and in 2007, he graduated from the Faculty of State and Municipal Management of the Academy of Public Administration. He is a doctor of philosophy in economics. He started his career in 1985 as a chief engineer and head of department at the Baku branch of the Moscow Institute of Applied Physics. In 1999-2014, he was elected as a member of Yasamal Municipality, in 2000-2016 as the deputy chairman of Yasamal Municipality, in 2004-2015 at the Justice Academy of the Ministry of Justice, in 2016-2023 as the deputy executive secretary of the National Association of Azerbaijan Town Municipalities, and He was appointed as the executive secretary of the National Association of Municipalities of Azerbaijan. In parallel, he is engaged in scientific-pedagogical activity.

Fluently speaks Russian

Married and has two children.


Phone: 012 565 75 72


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