
The "European Charter on Local Self-Government"


Azerbaijani legislation approving the European Charter for Local Self-Government


The "On the Status of Municipalities" Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan.


Republic of Azerbaijan legislation approving the municipal model charter


Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan on approval of the "Model Regulation of Municipalities".


Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan on municipal service


The Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan on the rules of ethical behavior of municipal employees


Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan on local opinion survey


Republic of Azerbaijan law governing the conversion of property to municipal ownership


Republic of Azerbaijan law on municipal lands and areas


Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan on the basics of municipal finances


The Republic of Azerbaijan's Law on Municipalities' Joint Activities, Merger, Separation, and Cancellation


The Republic of Azerbaijan's law approving the "On permanent and other commissions of municipalities" regulation.


The Republic of Azerbaijan's law governing the status of a municipal member


About the rules of ethical behavior of the members of the municipality


The Republic of Azerbaijan's law approving the "On Coordinating Councils for Local Self-Government in the Republic of Azerbaijan" regulation.


Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan approving the Model Regulation on Municipality Neighborhood Committees


Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan on the management of municipal lands


Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan on local (municipal) taxes and payments


Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan approving the Regulation on the procedures for drafting and signing documents relating to the distribution of municipal lands


The Republic of Azerbaijan's Law on Approval of the Municipal Tax Service Body Regulation

"On Advertising" Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan.


"On municipal water management" a law of the Republic of Azerbaijan.


Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan on administrative control over the activities of municipalities


Republic of Azerbaijan law governing administrative actions


Regulation "On maintaining the State register of municipalities and issuing them a certificate" approved by a law of the Republic of Azerbaijan.


The Republic of Azerbaijan's law approving the regional associations of municipalities' model regulations


Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan on the approval of "Forms and Rules for the creation of Internet information resources of state bodies and municipalities".


Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan on approval of the "Rule of public hearing and public discussion on the drafts of legal acts prepared by the central and local executive authorities and local self-government bodies"


On the approval of the "Rule on disclosure of acts of state and local self-government bodies through electronic information systems".


Azerbaijan's Republic Election Code


Republic of Azerbaijan's Tax Code

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